
Childbirth and labor are natural processes. However, there are compressive forces acting on the baby during labor and these forces can be exaggerated in some birthing situations such as:

  • very long extended labors
  • C-section deliveries
  • breech presentation babies
  • umbilical cord wrapped around the neck and/or limbs
  • very fast labors
  • extended head position of baby during labor

The strain of these types of deliveries on the babys’ neck and body can sometimes be associated with a restriction in head turning or favouring one side, latching problems, winding issues, sleeping difficulties and colic symptoms. Osteopathic treatments can be beneficial in these circumstances.

I have a very special interest in treating babies and children. I use a very gentle non-manipulative Osteopathic approach to assess and release tightness, tension or trauma that may be related to the birthing process. Treatments can take 3-4 sessions depending on the symptoms. I also aim to involve parents which may mean suggestions on simple dietry strategies, showing parents winding techniques or other gentle techniques to use at home.


The newborn breastfed baby tends to feed between every 2-4 hours but if the baby is windy or unsettled they may not easily settle into a comfortable sleeping and feeding pattern.

All babies cry sometimes and parents become skilled at interpreting what their baby needs.  The unsettled baby will have prolonged bouts of crying or even screaming, sometimes inconsolable and can appear to be in considerable pain.

A baby’s digestive system is not fully developed at birth and symptoms of abdominal pain can be caused by spasmodic contractions of immature intestines or gas/air trapped in the intestines.  Symptoms can start in the first few weeks of a baby’s life and continue for about three months – about which time the digestive system tends to mature a little more.

In breastfed babies unsettled symptoms can be caused by food intolerances which is the inability of your baby’s immature digestive system to digest breastmilk after mum has eaten certain foods.  Take note that a baby may react to more than just one food group.  EXCLUDE from your diet:  chocolate, tea, coffee (even decaffeinated), fizzy drinks especially energy drinks and coke. Eliminate from your diet any known or possible allergens for you i.e. soya, wheat, dairy, corn and pectin (in most fruits) can cause unsettled symptoms. PLEASE NOTE:  cabbage family plants, broccoli, brussel sprouts, radishes, kale, cauliflower plus onions and garlic are all rich in sulphur and can promote intestinal gas in you and your baby. Peanuts and peanut butter slow intestinal activity down.

Some unsettled symptoms can be due to a baby swallowing air while they are breastfeeding.  If you hear clicking, chomping or gagging sounds then baby has not latched well.  You can try taking your baby off the breast and relatching to see if this improves.  It may be helpful to stop and wind baby more frequently during breastfeeding and afterwards.  You can also talk to your midwife and maybe a lactation consultant about this issue.
Other factors that may contribute to persistent feeding difficulty are:-

  • if baby’s head is favouring turning to one side- a very long or difficult labor and use of forceps or ventouse
  • a very fast labor
  • baby’s upper lip curing when forming a seal on the breast-
  • restricted tongue mobility

A strong ‘let down’ reflex can also cause your baby to gasp in air as they try to co-ordinate suckling and swallowing when the breastmilk is coming out fast. Maureen Minchin in her book ‘Food For Thought’, suggests that if a mother has an abundant supply of breastmilk which streams out easily, baby may be receiving more breastmilk than their little stomachs can cope with and digest effectively.  Expressing a little milk by hand before each feed to reduce the initial rapid flow and quantity of breastmilk going into the stomach can be helpful.

So there are varied reasons why a baby may be unsettled.  It may be a digestive issue, a food intolerance issue, a structural issue or a combination of these.  In my Osteopathic practice I see it as being very important to figure out what is causing some of the issues an unsettled baby is experiencing and support the parents with some practical strategies to do at home which may help to get through some difficult and stressful moments.

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